Hmmm.. interesting. I just spent some time reading about Chavez and Venezuala after viewing this. Unfortunately, the tenor of the org. putting it out and the trailer lead me in thinking it won't exactly be unbiased and present all sides. Perhaps I'm wrong on that one, but one of the lines in the trailer led me to distrust it as a whole. I'm quite certain the U.S. has done some covert things that were less than stellar. I'm pretty certain Chavez has done a few things that definitely would not be looked on with favor here. In the meantime, there is a lot of finger pointing. It can make one's head spin. LOL C'est la vie.
well, it seems that people are deathly afraid of anything that hints at socialism in the united i suppose that anything chavez represents would be looked upon as negative here in america.
do you go by your middle name so there won't be two dave/david's in the band?
9:02 PM
11:26 PM
Hmmm.. interesting. I just spent some time reading about Chavez and Venezuala after viewing this. Unfortunately, the tenor of the org. putting it out and the trailer lead me in thinking it won't exactly be unbiased and present all sides. Perhaps I'm wrong on that one, but one of the lines in the trailer led me to distrust it as a whole. I'm quite certain the U.S. has done some covert things that were less than stellar. I'm pretty certain Chavez has done a few things that definitely would not be looked on with favor here. In the meantime, there is a lot of finger pointing. It can make one's head spin. LOL C'est la vie.
6:58 AM
well, it seems that people are deathly afraid of anything that hints at socialism in the united i suppose that anything chavez represents would be looked upon as negative here in america.
9:25 AM
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