i wanna be an intellectual for halloween
I've found myself drowning in religious discourse the past few days, and I'm sorry to report that I did not stumble upon the answers. the first conversation centered around what could be thought of a rational application of "christian" living, and the next conversation centered around the silly and tragic way people will admit to existence of a general and vague god, but are unwilling to attach that god to any dogma or translate that god into something worth reacting to They will not give their god any identity. It's Los Angeles spirituality. The recognition of a deity is an exercise in self righteousness. They are merely shining the light on their knowledge of the arts (trash), high culture (expensive charity benefits) and spiritual enlightenment (madonna's kabala). Belief in god goes as far as their schedule and lifestyle allows them too. Although, there is an irony (and hypocritical tinge) in that statement being that it comes from me. I fear synagogue's because I'm growing afraid to admit that there are people whose devotion becomes them. It's easy to pick out the flaws, and it's good for ratings and rants. Finding fault in Christianity gives me breathing room, and I do not deny that there is an honest approach in my constant scrutiny, and I'm sure there is also some comfort in the turbulence. I don't care to really debate superfluous points of religion, christianity, the meaning of text, etc. for a lot of reasons. It usually becomes a show of ego, nothing is resolved, emotions take place of logic and respect, and because I have nothing more than a sandbox to speak from. So, perhaps I'm wallowing in doubt and cynicism to avoid moving forward in a certain direction, or maybe if I do move in any direction at this point, it would just be me not being honest with myself. It could be a combination of both, anything is possible. I'm laughing to myself, do you see what's happening here? The same thing that happens everyday. I'm dancing back and fourth, a bible in one hand and post-modern thought in the other. i need to apply myself to something, I need to quit skimming the surface merely for conversations sake. I read just enough to memorize quotes and then I go to bed like I learned something. I'm not learning anything, I'm dancing badly in a library hoping that the smell of old books will rub off on me.
"Problems can not be solved at the level of thinking that created them." -Einstein
You may find resonance within these pages: Finite and Infinite Games by James P Carse.
I wish you the best of luck.
6:54 AM
my favorite post thus far
i got a lot out of it
just a bit more than the others
thank you
8:13 AM
Sometimes I read what you have to say and am nearly left speechless (and that is quite a trick for me.)
It struck me a long time ago that most people are hypocrites at one level or another. As a Christian, I feel I have to at least acknowledge that I don't have it all together. I find an honesty in that as well. I do love your transparency in this post and I think it is a pretty good restatement of things you've said in the past. There are no pat answers. Sometimes it would be easier.
And although I wasn't sure you'd appreciate yet another quote, I had one I wanted to share that this reminded me of - take it or leave it.
"Often times as we walk into faith we first have to walk through a lot of doubt. We think to ourselves, 'I know what I feel in my gut, I know what I've seen, but am I wrong? Am I the crazy one?' and then we have to make a choice."
(The Myriad, Prelude to Arrows)
Anonymous, I love the Einstein quote. maybe I'll check out the Carse book.
1:56 PM
"...you won't find absolute truth if you look for it where it cannot be found: in doctrines, ideologies, sets of rules, or stories. What do all of these have in common? They are made up of thought. Thought can at best point to the truth, but never is the truth. That's why Buddhists say 'The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.' All religions are equally false and equally true, depending on how you use them. You can use them in the service of the ego, or you can use them in the service of the Truth. If you believe only your religion is the Truth, you are using it in service of the ego. Used in such a way, religion becomes ideology and creates an illusory sense of superiority as well as division and conflict between people. In the service of the Truth, religious teachings represent signposts or maps left behind by awakened humans to assist you in spiritual awakening, that is to say, in becoming free of identification with form."
4:57 PM
matthew 18:3
your thoughts are truly a blessing to me.
8:47 PM
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