Sunday, June 22, 2008

what if

"This is what I see and what troubles me. I took on all sides, and I see only darkness everywhere. Nature presents to me nothing which is not matter of doubt and concern. If I saw nothing there which revealed a Divinity, I would come to a negative conclusion; if I saw everywhere the sings of a Creator, I would remain peacefully in faith. But seeing too much to deny and too little to be sure, I am in a state to be pitied; wherefore I have a hundred times wished that if a God maintains nature, she should testify to Him unequivocally, and that, if the signs she gives are deceptive, she should suppress them altogether; that she should say everything or nothing, that I might see which cause I ought to follow. Whereas in my present state, ignorant of what I am or of what I ought to do, I know neither my condition nor my duty. My heart inclines wholly to know, where is the true good, in order to follow it; nothing would be too dear to me for eternity. I envy those whom I see living in the faith which such carelessness, and who make such a bad use of a gift of which it seems to me I would make such a different use."

This is another excerpt from Blaise Pascal. This kind of touches on what was a big issue for him, God's ambiguity in presenting the truth of His Divinity. Of course, if what Pascal was arguing turned out to be the case, it would eradicate the idea of the "leap of faith" and ultimately transform the self-motivated worship of God into the same thing as paying taxes, that is, a rote begrudged obedience to an institution which demands recognition and homage based on it's mere existence and proclamation of truth, although..I'm curious about the response that would evoke. Paying taxes to the government is obviously not the same thing as being a continual witness to the truth of God. Knowing our flaws in understanding and practice of living..(whether it be spiritually inclined, or of a humanistic approach) it seems that God, if he/she were to clearly make Him/Herself known, would just bring about chaos and thoughtless repentance and worship. I don't know if Pascal realized what he was asking for, but considering the unrest that God's ambiguity brings about, I can totally relate to what he's saying. Especially the last part of the excerpt. Goodnight.


Blogger Melanie said...

Actually, what you said makes a lot of sense.

But then, sometimes I think if we could look upon God and even survive the encounter, some would still refuse to believe or choose to go a different directon. We oft times see what we want to regardless of the evidence. And I think most people are prone to taking things for granted when we fail to recognize what it's cost. It's just easier to see the carelessness of others.

4:03 AM


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