I was recently reading some past comments you folks have made and I came across this one.
has anyone here even researched global warming or are you just accepting what left wing politicians are saying about it?
it's a hoax.
check it out at http://www.junkscience.com
and to that I say..."hmmm"
Yea, so you guys can check out www.junkscience.com, and then you can check out www.fightglobalwarming.com, or www.climatecrisis.net, if you want, check out www.uscaction.org
i believe in global warming, not because of what left wing politicians say but because leonardo dicaprio said it was real on oprah ;)
7:11 PM
it's so strange that you posted this today. this morning i had the most mind-boggling conversation ever with my father, during which he launched into a tirade about global warming being a "money making scam" dreamed up by "the leftists". he was so angry and so self-assured that i was left kind of speechless.
i have a lot of these conversations with members of my family, because they are what might be called textbook conservative Christians and "fundamentalists". it's been weird for me in school, because often my profs will say something about "fundies" like they are some kind of nebulous other people, far removed from the lives of us students. but for me-- that's my family. that's my aunt and uncle who have me over every thanksgiving and got me an mp3 cd player for my birthday. so i'm at kind of a intersection between what i learn and discover, and what i was brought up to know.
on the global warming issue, what i wanted to say to my dad (and whoever left you that comment) is that it shouldn't matter if there is already a "hole in the ozone layer". we know that polluting our planet and abusing its resources is a bad idea. we're supposed to be good stewards of the world we live in-- the world i believe God put us here to inhabit and care for. and we're not doing a good job. the landfills and dying species and lack of unspoiled land are evidence of this. so let's have less conspiracy theorizing and complacency, more initiative on dealing with this problem.
/long windedness. geez i am perpetually spamming you with essays. sorry dude.
10:01 PM
Oh man, people are taking shots at liberals now...global warming is a hot button topic I see.
7:36 AM
"Again last night I had that strange dream
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought they were just being rewarded
For treating others as they'd like to be treated
For obeying stop signs and curing diseases
For mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in November..."
- the postal service...
9:36 PM
i feel global warming is as real as clinical depression. they both will bring with them a great vengeance but the world decides to look away out of ignorance, among other reasons.
5:07 AM
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